The Scrooge Report Tracking…

H.S. football coach vs. Supreme Court, chasing King Solomon, and Home Depot’s Christmas avoidance…The Scrooge Report is following these stories:

Coach asks permission to bow head while players pray

EAST BRUNSWICK, N.J (WorldNetDaily) – A high school football coach is going to the U.S. Supreme Court to ask permission to be “respectful” and bow his head while the players on his team pray for each other and their opponents prior to each game.

“We’re teaching kids values. There’s nothing wrong with being spiritual,” said coach Marcus Borden of East Brunswick, N.J., High School…

…Now, KDVR-TV in Denver reports plans to take the dispute to the U.S. Supreme Court…(read more)

Copper ruins in Jordan bolster biblical record of King Solomon

JORDAN – (Los Angeles Times) A massive copper smelting plant in the biblical land of Edom is at least three centuries older than researchers previously believed, placing it firmly in the traditional timeline of King Solomon, considered the greatest ruler of Israel, researchers reported Monday.

The existence of Solomon 3,000 years ago has been questioned by some scholars over the last two decades because of the paucity of archaeological evidence supporting the biblical record and the belief that there were no complex societies in Israel or Edom capable of building fortresses, monuments and other sophisticated public works, such as large mines, in the 10th century BC…(read more)

Home Depot: Hanukkah, yes! Holidays, yes! Christmas, no!

American Family Association:

Home Depot has it’s new holiday website up and running. You can find many gifts for the holidays. You can even find gifts for Hanukkah. But Christmas? Home Depot’s website hasn’t a single reference to Christmas. Not one. At Home Depot, Christmas doesn’t exist!

Home Depot has elected to go with the politically correct crowd and censor Christmas, replacing it with holidays…(read more)

UPDATE: Home Depot responded to AFA’s email campaign to alert consumers. In part, a letter from Home Depot states, “…we are adjusting our Web site to make ‘Christmas’ more prominent and to make our site more aligned with our advertising and point-of-sale in-store signage. Customers will start seeing the adjustments later this week.”

AFA added: “As a point of clarification, AFA mistakenly reported the word “Christmas” was totally absent from Home Depot’s website. A few product descriptions did, in fact, contain the word ‘Christmas.’ We have apologized to Home Depot for the error.”