Lawsuit: College Speech Teacher Calls Student ‘Fascist Bastard’

A Los Angeles Community College professor interrupts and cuts short a student’s speech about marriage and his Christian faith during an open-ended assignment in a public speaking class, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.

The “tolerance” so fervently preached in most college institutions today apparently was lost on a Los Angeles Community College professor who abandoned his cool in the public speaking class he teaches.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Student Jonathan Lopez says his professor called him a “fascist bastard” and refused to let him finish his speech against same-sex marriage during a public speaking class last November, weeks after California voters approved the ban on such unions.

When Lopez tried to find out his mark for the speech, the professor, John Matteson, allegedly told him to “ask God what your grade is,” the suit says.

Lopez also said the teacher threatened to have him expelled when he complained to higher-ups.

It seems the “dictionary definition” of marriage is also deemed offensive…as well as Bible verses. The Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom is defending Lopez in the lawsuit and states in its press release:

On Nov. 24, 2008, Los Angeles City College speech professor John Matteson interrupted and ended Jonathan Lopez’s presentation mid-speech, calling him a “fascist bastard” in front of the class for speaking about his faith, which included reading the dictionary definition of marriage and reciting two Bible verses. Instead of allowing Lopez to finish, Matteson told the other students they could leave if they were offended. When no one left, Matteson dismissed the class. Refusing to grade the assigned speech, Matteson wrote on Lopez’s evaluation, “Ask God what your grade is.”

One week later, after seeing Lopez talking to the college’s dean of academic affairs, Matteson told Lopez that he would make sure he’d be expelled from school. Matteson’s treatment of Lopez during his speech follows an earlier incident in which Matteson told his entire class after the November election, “If you voted yes on Proposition 8, you are a fascist bastard.”

While tolerance of Lopez’ Christian viewpoint was non-existent, so was his freedom of speech…in a public speaking class…again, once thought of as a cornerstone in college academia.

“Christian students shouldn’t be penalized or discriminated against for speaking about their beliefs,” said ADF Senior Counsel David French. “Public institutions of higher learning cannot selectively censor Christian speech. This student was speaking well within the confines of his professor’s assignment when he was censored and ultimately threatened with expulsion.

“Professor Matteson clearly violated Mr. Lopez’s free speech rights by engaging in viewpoint discrimination and retaliation because he disagreed with the student’s religious beliefs,” said French. “When students are given open-ended assignments in a public speaking class, the First Amendment protects their ability to express their views. Moreover, the district has a speech code that has created a culture of censorship on campus. America’s public universities and colleges are supposed to be a ‘marketplace of ideas,’ not a hotbed of intolerance.”

This isn’t the first time public school and college teachers have attempted to shut down student expression or slur Christianity, and it certainly will not be the last. However, Christian students are going into classes with eyes and mouths wide open, now defended by groups such as the ADF and more.

Tolerance and free speech applies to God’s word as well.


Stop the ACLU: Believe in God? Well, that makes you a “fascist b****rd,” according to LA college professor Ask God What Your Grade Is


TheRawStory: Christian student kept no hard copy of controversial speech


The Scrooge Report Tracking…

Nurse offering patient prayer suspended, Saudis arrest Christian blogger, and TV ad blitzed by NBC in search of a slot. TheScroogeReport follows these stories and more.

Nurse suspended for prayer offer

SOMERSET, UK — (BBC) A Christian nurse from Weston-super-Mare has been suspended for offering to pray for a patient’s recovery.

Community nurse Caroline Petrie, 45, says she asked an elderly woman patient during a home visit if she wanted her to say a prayer for her.

The patient complained to the health trust about Mrs Petrie who follows the Baptist faith.

She was suspended, without pay, on 17 December and will find out the outcome of her disciplinary meeting next week. more

Saudi Arabia Arrests Christian Blogger

INTERNET — (Persecution Blog) International Christian Concern is reporting that Saudi Arabia has arrested a Christian blogger for writing about his conversion to Christ from Islam.

What is even more amazing is that they have also blocked the Christian’s blog, which is hosted by Google’s free blogging platform Blogger. more

And finally…

Academy Awards?

What will be the fate of this pro-life ad that NBC initially accepted for Super Bowl XLIII, then declined. This is powerful…stay tuned!

Bible Banned on Religious Freedom Day

The Bible is essentially treated like contraband… — Liberty Counsel

A Florida school district has banned distribution of the Bible on Religious Freedom Day.


COLLIER COUNTY, Florida (OneNewsNow) — Earlier this month, World Changers of Florida was denied the right to distribute the Bible in the Collier County School District during non-instructional time. Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, is handling the case.

Bible Teaching in Schools?

“The school district said that the Bible cannot be distributed on Religious Freedom Day,” he explains. “It had been distributed on Religious Freedom Day for the past several years, but this time they changed their decision and said it would be unconstitutional to distribute the Bible in a public school to willing recipients who want to receive the Bible.”

Staver notes that other items are distributed at the schools for secular events. In a Liberty Counsel press release, he stated that “limiting access to the forum based on religious viewpoint violates the First Amendment.”

“This particular school says that everything goes but the Bible is banned,” he adds. “The Bible is essentially treated like contraband, where it was once the central part of our educational system.”

Liberty Counsel has written to the school district outlining the Constitution and court decisions that demonstrate the error in their decision.


Religious Freedom Day

Each year, the President declares January 16th to be Religious Freedom Day, and calls upon Americans to “observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship.” The day is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom.

The goal of is to promote and protect students’ religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.

DIGG Story!

The Scrooge Report Tracking…

Is Jesus in or out for Obama’s inaugural invocation? Hamas leader’s son shines His light and Roseanne’s in a Nazi state-of-mind. TheScroogeReport follows these stories and more.

Warren’s inauguration prayer could draw more ire

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — President-elect Barack Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural invocation drew one kind of protest. Whether the evangelical pastor offers the prayer in the name of Jesus may draw another. At George W. Bush’s 2001 swearing-in, the Revs. Franklin Graham and Kirbyjon Caldwell were criticized for invoking Christ. The distinctly Christian reference at a national civic event offended some, and even prompted a lawsuit.

Warren did not answer directly when asked whether he would dedicate his prayer to Jesus. In a statement Tuesday to The Associated Press, Warren would say only that, “I’m a Christian pastor so I will pray the only kind of prayer I know how to pray.”

“Prayers are not to be sermons, speeches, position statements nor political posturing. They are humble, personal appeals to God,” Warren wrote. His spokesman would not elaborate. more

RELATED: Atheists File Suit to Block Inaugural Prayer

Son of Hamas Leader Comes to Christ

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (Persecution Blog) — Yousef, 30, said he realized the true nature of Hamas and radical Islam during a stint in an Israeli prison. He renounced his Muslim faith, left his family behind in Ramallah and converted to Christianity.

“Islam is not the word of God,” said Yousef. “If you want to be offended it’s your problem. But you know something? Go study. Think for a second that I might be right. So wake up, look at your path, see where you’re going. Are you really going to heaven with 72 virgins after you kill yourself and kill another 20 people?” more

RELATED: Teen Trained to Be Suicide Bomber Feels Tricked

Roseanne Barr: Israel is a ‘Nazi state’

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (JPost) — Former television star Roseanne Barr has denounced Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza, labeling Israel a “Nazi state.”

In a post on her personal blog, which appears at her Web site, Roseanne World, the comedienne, who is Jewish, wrote on December 30 that she had planned to travel with pro-Palestinian activists on a protest boat sailing from Cyprus to Gaza.

After an encounter with an Israel Navy vessel, the boat was turned back and sailed into a Lebanese port on Tuesday.

“I said Israel will attack any boat carrying doctors and medical supplies,” Barr wrote on her blog, adding that, “Israel is a NAZI state. The Jewish Soul is being tortured in Israel.” more

Shout it!

Merry Christmas from The Scrooge Report

christian christmas

Some people crank up their souped up stereo system in their car loud enough to make the cars next to them at a stop light vibrate.

I’ve been to a football game where the crowd was so loud after a particular play that the luxury box glass windows shook, and the noise was comparable to a sonic boom. In my time, I’ve seen grown women scream over the Beatles, adults pledge their allegiance to all things Star Wars, and most recently, people killing each other to be the first to get a “Christmas bargain” at a department store. All found to be acceptable and unoffensive behavior.

However, mention Jesus…suggest an afterschool Bible study, vote yes on Prop 8 (support for traditional marriage), call a parade or event, a Christmas Parade or Christmas Happening…and all heck breaks loose.


As for me an my house, I will serve the Lord. It’s time to shout the Good News! …and not be concerned of the backlash. After all, sometimes the truth divides.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” – John 1:14 There it is…Christmas in a nutshell…the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. You may not hear me shouting it right now…but, there you go, I’ve blogged it:

